Mariame Kaba (2020) ‘So You’re Thinking about Becoming an Abolitionist [4 pages]
Critical Resistance (no date) What is the Prison Industrial Complex? What is Abolition? [1 page]
Angela Davis. (2003) ‘Introduction: Prison Reform or Prison Abolition?; Are Prisons Obsolete? New York: Seven Stories Press, P. 9-21. Available from: [12 pages]
Prison Research Education Action Project (1976)
‘Diminishing / Dismantling the Prison System,’ from Instead of Prisons: A Handbook for Abolitionists. [4 pages]
Radical Alternatives to Prison (RAP) (1979) Editorial from the first issue of The Abolitionist (1 page)
Further readings:
Want to read more? Check out this additional readings…
Oonagh Ryder (2018) What does Justice Look like Without Prisons? [7 pages]
David Scott / Open University / BBC Ideas (2020) What would a world without prisons look like? [Video - 5min]
Rachel Kuchner (2019) Is Prison Necessary? Ruth Wilson Gilmore might change your mind. New York Times 17 April 2019. [9 page] Non-NYT/reposted version here.
Hajera Begum (2020) Rethinking Our Justice System: Abolition in the UK. [5 pages]
Prison Research Education Action Project (1976) ‘Nine Perspectives for Prison Abolitionists’ from Instead of Prisons: A Handbook for Abolitionists. [2 pages]
Ruth Wilson Gilmore Makes the Case for Abolition. The Intercept Podcast. (Part 1: 54 min, Part 2: 31 min.) Transcript also available from link.
Mick Ryan and Joe Sim (2007) Campaigning for and campaigning against prisons: excavating and reaffirming the case for prison abolition. In: Jewkes, Y. (ed.) Handbook on Prisons. Cullompton, Devon: Willan Publishing, pp.696-718. [23 pages]
Julia Sudbury (now Julia Chinyere Opara) (2000) Transatlantic Visions: Resisting the Globalization of Mass Incarceration. Social Justice 27 (3), pp.133-149. [17 pages]