Session 5: Transformative Justice
Core Readings (v.2022)
Bay Area Transformative Justice Collective (2014) ‘Transformative Justice and Community Accountability’ [1 page]
Kai Cheng Thom (2020) What to do when you’ve been abusive.
Barnard Centre for Research on Women / Project NIA (2020) The modern roots of transformative justice. [8 min video]
Creative Interventions Project (2020) What is our bigger vision? (Section 1, page 16-17). Creative Interventions Toolkit: A Practical Guide to Stop Interpersonal Violence. [2 pages]
GenerationFive (2017) ‘Community Response and Accountability’ & ‘Transformation of Community and Social Conditions that Create and Perpetuate Violence’ in Ending Child Sexual Abuse: A Transformative Justice Handbook, p. 56-61 [Online]. [6 pages]
Further reading:
Gaurav Jashnani and RJ Maccani and Alan Greig (2011) What does it feel like when change finally comes? Male Supremacy, Accountability & Transformative Justice. The Revolution Starts At Home: Confronting Intimate Violence Within Activist Communities. AK Press, pp.216-234. [22 pages]
Chrysalis Collective (2011) Beautiful, Difficult, Powerful: Ending Sexual Assault Through Transformative Justice. The Revolution Starts At Home: Confronting Intimate Violence Within Activist Communities. Brooklyn, AK Press, pp.188-205. [18 pages]
Ruth Morris (2000) Stories of Transformative Justice. Canadian Scholars' Press.
Aisha Shahida Simmons (2019) Love WITH Accountability: Digging Up the Roots of Child Sexual Abuse. AK Press
Communities Against Rape and Abuse (CARA) (2008) ‘Taking Risks: Implementing grassroots community accountability strategies’ The Revolution Starts at Home: Confronting Partner Abuse in Activist Communities [‘zine], p. 64-79
Ejeris Dixon and Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha (2020) Beyond Survival: Strategies and Stories from the Transformative Justice Movement. AK Press
Kim, Mimi (2011) Moving Beyond Critique: Creative Interventions and Reconstructions of Community Accountability. Social Justice 37 (4), pp.14-35. Resources Hub on ending violence from transformative justice perspective
Kelly, E. L. (2011) Philly Stands Up: Inside the Politics and Poetics of Transformative Justice and Community Accountability in Sexual Assault Situations. Social Justice 37 (4), pp.44-57.